Innovation lab of the Automotive Industry: "Future Workshop 4.0" wins Berner Group as new partner

The Institute for the Automotive Economics (IfA) has the next notable new addition to the "Future Workshop 4.0": When the innovation lab of the Automotive Industry opens its doors this summer, the Berner Group, one of Europe’s leading wholesale companies, will occupy part of the 450 square meter exhibition area in Esslingen near Stuttgart. Both sides have agreed on a corresponding cooperation now.

Innovations-Lab des Kfz-Gewerbes: „Zukunftswerkstatt 4.0“ gewinnt Berner Group als neuen Partner
Innovations-Lab des Kfz-Gewerbes: „Zukunftswerkstatt 4.0“ gewinnt Berner Group als neuen Partner

B2B specialist BERNER is participating in the project as an equipment partner with a focus on vehicle and workshop cleaning as well as a technology partner with a focus on tyre and windscreen changing. "The 'Future Workshop 4.0' is an ideal forum to position BERNER as an important pace and impulse setter with a broad professional audience from the most diverse areas of the automotive industry", says Florian Sommer, Head of Strategic Segment Marketing Mobility at the Berner Group. "We look forward to the opportunity to show visitors to the centre how we keep their world together and running – from classic consumables to smart chemical 'all in one' helpers to practical hand tools or power tools."

The creators of the new innovation lab are delighted with the partnership. "With BERNER, the company network around the Future Workshop gains a permanent fixture in the automotive trade," says Managing Director Prof. Dr. Benedikt Maier. "Every day, BERNER solutions accompany numerous workshop employees. In the Future Workshop we are particularly looking forward to the answers for implementing the workshop business of tomorrow."

Innovation showcase, test lab and training centre
The Institute of Automotive Economics is setting up the "Future Workshop 4.0" as part of the Baden-Württemberg Automotive Industry Strategy Dialogue. The project will make a significant contribution to accompanying the companies of the automotive industry within the technological transformation process and preparing them for the upcoming changes. To this end, the structures of a classic car dealership will be recreated realistically and practically on around 450 square metres in Esslingen (near Stuttgart).

Along the customer journey in sales and aftersales, the stakeholders from the various branches of the industry can find out about and try out the technologies and systems of tomorrow. The facility will be usable in a variety of ways due to the equipment with state-of-the-art workshop equipment and themed visual objects as well as the integration of seminar rooms. The opening is planned for summer 2021.

The Berner Group
The Berner Group is a family-run European commercial enterprise. Our vision is: “We keep the world together and moving.” This means we are the central B2B trading partner for all materials in the maintenance, repair, and production segments for our customers in the building, mobility, and industry sectors. With more than four channels we create an integrated omni-channel purchasing experience for our customers. In the steel and C materials as well as chemicals segments we are also an innovative manufacturer. We are represented in over 23 countries for our customers with more than 200,000 items and 8,200 employees.

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