Donation from the Berner Group to Caritasverband e.V. and Diakonisches Werk für Frankfurt am Main

120 executives pack 2,000 toiletry bags for the homeless

Cologne/Künzelsau, November 12, 2018. The most difficult months of the year are now beginning for more than 2,700 homeless people in Frankfurt. The temperatures at night often drop below zero. According to the Social Department of the city of Frankfurt, every night, more than 130 homeless people use one of the beds in the new emergency shelter at Eschenheimer Tor.

Overnight stays not only provide the homeless with a roof over their heads, but also a hot meal and a hot shower. The business enterprise Berner Group supports institutions and initiatives that help the homeless. It therefore donated around 2,000 toiletry bags, packed by 120 executives following a management conference, to Caritasverband e.V. and Diakonisches Werk für Frankfurt am Main. The associations will ensure that the bags are passed on to homeless men and women. The material donation is worth more than 8,000 euros.

Homeless people need help

Right from the start, Caritas Association e.V. and Diakonisches Werk für Frankfurt am Main were enthusiastic about the Berner Group’s idea. Both associations open their doors to help men and women who do not have a home. Homeless people often need a place to warm up – not only at night, but during the day as well. The toiletry bags, which contain the most important items for daily needs, from shampoo and disposable razors to a toothbrush and deodorant, will be used in the shelters. This is a rare luxury for people without a permanent home.

Team challenge with meaning

The donation project was implemented alongside an international management meeting of the Berner Group.
120 executives from all over Europe gathered in Frankfurt to discuss not only the coming year’s most important strategic projects, but also to tackle a voluntary activity together. The managers of the business enterprise streamlined the day’s program so they had enough time to pack the toiletries in the hygienic bags. Just under 16 toiletry bags had to be packed per person in order to reach the promised 2,000 units – an ambitious goal that could only be achieved by working together as a team.

The social team challenge was initiated by Ingrid Lose, Chairwoman of the Management Board of the Caramba Chemicals Group (a Berner Group company): “One of the guiding principles of our company is b.responsible, which means that we are held accountable for the consequences of our actions. We are a family business with a high sense of responsibility. We think sustainably and act responsibly, and this is a matter of the heart for our entire team, including our CEO and owner, Christian Berner. It is a central idea that runs through all the divisions, all the countries and all the management levels. Many of our employees would like to demonstrate social commitment, and of course, the executive tier would also like to set a good example. That’s how we came up with the idea of dedicating time to a social cause at our international meeting. We hope to send a small message to people who are homeless or living on the street. Civil engagement – even on small scale – is immensely important for social coexistence and shows that we are committed to our company’s values.”

Social responsibility is part of the company DNA

Social responsibility has always played an important role at the Berner Group and is deeply rooted in its corporate culture. Last year, on the occasion of the company’s 60th anniversary, the business enterprise, which has offices in more than 25 countries, invested nearly half a million euros in 60 social projects. Together, Berner Group employees renovated kindergartens, built mobile accommodation for the homeless and launched a digital volunteer work forum. This makes it easier to find social projects that depend on volunteers.

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