The rows of chairs were filled to the last seat at the latest charity concert organised by the Albert Berner Foundation, the Rotary Club Künzelsau-Öhringen and Sparkasse Hohenlohekreis.
Major donation: Albert Berner Foundation supports new women’s and children’s shelter with 110,000 euros
Künzelsau, March 01, 2019 – Happy faces at the Albert Schweitzer Children’s Village Association in Waldenburg: the non-profit organization can look forward to a generous donation totaling 110,000 euros for the new women’s and children’s shelter in Künzelsau. The financial donation comes from the Albert Berner Foundation, which is making a substantial contribution to the acquisition and planned renovation of the social facility with these funds.
“Unfortunately, not only in big cities, but also in our rural areas there are families whose world has been turned upside down. Many women, especially those with children, are unable to continue living at home due to domestic violence,” stresses Ursula Berner. The Chairwoman of the Foundation Council of the Albert Berner Foundation, together with Foundation Council members Gerhard Franzkowiak and Werner Gassert, presented the symbolic donation check to Wolfgang Bartole and Heinrich Schüz from the Albert Schweitzer Children’s Village Association at a ceremony held at the Berner headquarters in Garnberg.
Ten years ago, the Albert Schweitzer Children’s Village Association took over the sponsorship of the women’s and children’s shelter in Künzelsau from the association “Frauen helfen Frauen”. “We are very pleased about the donation, because such an extensive project can only be carried out with this kind of support,” says Wolfgang Bartole, Board Member of the Albert Schweitzer Children’s Village Association. Board colleague Heinrich Schüz adds, “We are grateful that with these new, attractive rooms, additional space can be created for women and children affected by violence, as the demand is very high.”
Since its official opening on February 24, 1994, the facility has become an integral part of the support services for women and children in the Hohenlohe region. In recent years, the facility has been operating at full capacity almost continually. In February and January, for example, the occupancy rate was around 95 percent. A total of ten spots are currently available to victims of domestic violence. With room for 14, the new building will be considerably larger and more modern. In addition, an outdoor area with a children’s playground and suitable office and consultation rooms are being planned for the six full-time and part-time employees. The task spectrum of the support team is broad, as in addition to accommodation, professional support, guidance and consulting are also offered.
“The women’s and children’s shelter offers women affected by domestic violence an environment in which they can feel safe, receive professional care and regain their courage. Here they have the chance to take their lives into their own hands again and develop new perspectives for themselves,” says Ursula Berner. “The Albert Berner Foundation is pleased to support the women’s and children’s shelter, because we know that the project is sustained by people who are committed to this important topic, and who bring real passion, heart and soul to the project.”
Albert Berner Foundation
The non-profit Albert Berner Foundation was established in 1995 to mark the 60th birthday of its namesake, Albert Berner. The Albert Berner Foundation is dedicated to supporting children and adults in the social and cultural field, as well as in sports and education, mainly in the Hohenlohe region. Since its inception, the foundation has helped extensive lighthouse projects as well as smaller organizations to advance their goals. The Albert Berner Foundation pays particular attention to the long-term nature of the projects it supports, in addition to the regional factor. For many years, numerous organizations and projects have enjoyed the support of the Foundation.
A record for a good cause: with proceeds totalling more than 12,000 euros, this year´s traditional charity concert organised by the Albert Berner Foundation, Sparkasse Hohenlohekreis and the Rotary Club Künzelsau-Öhringen raised more money than ever before. For the second time, the entire amount will go towards the renovation and conversion of a building on Rösleinsberg in Künzelsau into an inpatient hospice with eight places.
With a new musical programme, the Keppler Foundation in Künzelsau can now reach even more very old residents and residents with dementia in its homes - for the first time, especially those who are not mobile. The pilot project, which will initially run for one year, is being made possible thanks to generous start-up funding from the Albert Berner Foundation.