“I think that one can certainly speak of a culture of helpfulness and social responsibility here.”

Cologne, November 22, 2017. TV presenter and actress Collien Ulmen-Fernandes is actively involved in the social sphere. The UNICEF ambassador therefore insisted on thanking the employees of the Berner Group for their social commitment during the festive closing gala event in Cologne. The company has taken its 60th anniversary as an opportunity to implement 60 social projects throughout Europe. The total budget: more than 500,000 euros. With material and product donations, coupled with the active support of the company’s individual employees, Berner has supported those people who are most dependent on help in our society. Seven projects were implemented in Cologne.

“I think that one can certainly speak of a culture of helpfulness and social responsibility here.” Berner Group
The UNICEF ambassador Collien Ulmen-Fernandes at the festive closing gala event of the Berner Group in Cologne.

The evening event was opened by the Deputy Mayor of the City of Cologne, Mrs. Scho-Antwerpes, who praised both the lifetime achievement of the company founder, Albert Berner, and the seven social projects that were implemented in the city of Cologne. “I think that one can certainly speak of a culture of helpfulness and social responsibility here,” said the Deputy Mayor. About two years ago, the Berner Group relocated the second pillar of the strategic holding company to the Rhine metropolis, and over the course of its big anniversary, has invested more than 35,000 euros in Cologne social projects.

Under the motto “The importance of helping others”, Collien Ulmen-Fernandes offered insights into her longstanding social engagement and emphasized the importance of corporate social responsibility. This was a topic which Christian Berner, CEO of the Berner Group, further expanded upon from a personal perspective in his subsequent speech: “We are a family business. Our success, history and development are based on values, which is why we also have a well-developed culture of assistance and social responsibility. This is who we are. And we have been this way for 60 years.”

The highlight of the event was the Berner Group Executive Board personally thanking the 60 representatives from the social projects present and awarding them with a certificate. “It is incredibly inspiring and makes me extremely proud to have gathered so many committed employees from all over Europe here today,” said Christian Berner. “If our 8,500 employees succeed in motivating people to become socially involved in their communities, then the 60th anniversary of the Berner Group will also positively influence the future in many ways.” He announced that the social project campaign would continue in 2018.

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